Saturday, July 2, 2016

Hiking up Mt. Moosilauke 4802 footer!

In the White Mountains, and town of Benton. Tenth Highest Mountain in NH. Called the The Gentle Giant, Mt Moosilauke is  4802 feet. I have never hiked this mountain before so I was excited about this new adventure! Parked on the dirt road that was near the Moosilauke Ravine Lodge which is owned by Dartmouth College. The bathrooms were clean and the people were very friendly. The most popular trail is Gorge Brook, which is the one we hiked up. As some point we had to follow Snapper Trail because a part of the Gorge was washed out by rain. Hiking up was 3.7 miles to the top and beautiful. Here are a few pictures from the day: 

The Lodge

It was sunny skies with a few clouds near the top, light winds
Signs to watch out for Vegetation

All Smiles from this HIKE!

Taken near the top

Places to hang low when windy
The top!!! We made it!

 Over all the hike was a huge loop, started on the Gorge Trail up to top then headed down Carriage to Snapper, which is all together 7.4 miles. Great hike. The views are amazing. We spent a hour up at the top, but I could have stayed there all day!

Dogs loved it too!
 Happy Hiking!

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