Saturday, January 28, 2012

Trail Report: Franconia Notch Kinsman Falls

Today is a beautiful Winter's day. The temp outside is 35 to 37 degrees and everyone is out, enjoying some winter hiking. The trail Cascade Brook Trail is hike-able up to the Kinsman Falls, for then after you have to cross the river which is not really frozen over all the way. There were footprints up to that point, but no one has gone any further up the trail. I had my ten year old stepson and dog with me so I didn't want to chance anyone falling in the icy cold water. The parking lot to the Basin and trail is well taken care of and there were many people out checking out the area. The Basin was beautiful as always and the water flowing. If you want to hike in this area you can't go to far but it is still beautiful and great to see during the winter months. Can go about .7 miles up the trail. Here are some of the pictures I took today on my small adventure in Franconia Notch.
 Half way up, we came across this view,
as you can see the river is not all frozen.

 I loved this frozen Kinsman Falls

and we had to stop at the Basin, I just love this spot. It is always
beautiful no matter what season!

Happy Winter Hiking:)

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